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Course Requirements

Should be a successful entrepreneur with a turnover of more than 30 crore. 

Course Description

The Kuril Founders B-School has announced its intention to confer an honorary degree on successful entrepreneurs based on specific parameters. This initiative aims to recognize and celebrate outstanding entrepreneurial achievements and contributions to the business world. Here are the key parameters that might be considered for awarding the honorary degree:

1. Business Growth and Success

Entrepreneurs who have demonstrated significant business growth and success are prime candidates. This includes building and scaling businesses that have achieved substantial revenue, market share, and profitability. The evaluation may consider metrics such as revenue growth rate, market expansion, and sustainability of business operations.

2. Innovation and Impact

Innovators who have introduced groundbreaking products, services, or business models that have disrupted industries or created new markets are highly valued. The degree may be awarded to those who have shown exceptional creativity and innovation, leading to significant impact on their industry or society.

3. Leadership and Vision

Entrepreneurs who exhibit strong leadership skills and a clear vision for their company's future are crucial. This includes the ability to inspire and lead teams, drive strategic initiatives, and navigate complex business environments successfully. Visionary leaders who have guided their companies through challenging times while maintaining growth and stability are likely candidates.

4. Social Responsibility and Ethical Practices

Recognition may be given to entrepreneurs who prioritize social responsibility and ethical business practices. This includes efforts to improve community welfare, environmental sustainability, and adherence to ethical standards in business operations. Entrepreneurs who have launched initiatives or practices that positively impact society and the environment are likely to be honored.

5. Contribution to the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Those who have significantly contributed to the entrepreneurial ecosystem through mentorship, investment, or support of other startups and entrepreneurs may also be recognized. This includes active participation in entrepreneurial networks, providing funding or resources, and fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

 6. Global Reach and Influence

Entrepreneurs who have successfully expanded their businesses globally and have a significant international presence may be considered. The ability to navigate and succeed in diverse global markets is a testament to an entrepreneur's strategic acumen and adaptability.

7. Resilience and Adaptability

Acknowledging entrepreneurs who have shown resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. This includes overcoming significant challenges, pivoting business strategies successfully, and demonstrating the ability to thrive under difficult circumstances.

8. Industry Recognition and Awards

Previous recognition by industry bodies, media, or business associations may also be a factor. Entrepreneurs who have received awards or accolades for their business achievements and contributions to their industry may be more likely to receive the honorary degree.

9. Educational Background and Continued Learning

While the honorary degree focuses on entrepreneurial success, a solid educational background and a commitment to continuous learning and development can also be important. Entrepreneurs who Education and personal growth may be viewed favorably.

10. Testimonials and References

Testimonials from industry peers, employees, and business partners can provide valuable insights into the entrepreneur's character, leadership style, and impact. Positive endorsements and references may play a role in the selection process.

By setting these parameters, the Kuril Founders B-School aims to honor entrepreneurs who not only achieve remarkable business success but also embody values that inspire and contribute to the broader business and social community.


Know More Email at info@kfb-school.org or call at +91-86556-58744

Visit us www.kfb-school.org

Course Outcomes

Becoming a Fellow of the Kuril Founders B-School for a lifetime can offer numerous benefits. Here are some potential advantages: 
Networking Opportunities: Lifetime Fellows may gain access to an extensive network of fellow entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and experts, fostering collaboration, partnerships, and business opportunities. 
Continuous Learning: Access to ongoing education and training programs can be a significant advantage. This can include workshops, seminars, webinars, and updated coursework to help entrepreneurs stay current with the latest industry trends and advancements. 
Mentorship and Coaching: Fellows might receive mentorship from experienced professionals and successful entrepreneurs, providing invaluable guidance and advice on navigating the business landscape. 
Credibility and Recognition: Holding a fellowship can boost an entrepreneur's credibility and recognition within the business community. This can enhance their company's reputation and attract potential investors, customers, and partners. 
Resource Access: Exclusive access to resources such as research papers, case studies, business tools, and databases can help Fellows in strategic decision-making and business development. 
Funding Opportunities: Some programs may offer increased opportunities for funding or investment through pitch events, venture capital introductions, and other financial support mechanisms. 
Community and Support: Being part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals can provide emotional support, motivation, and shared experiences that can be particularly valuable during challenging times. 
Events and Conferences: Access to exclusive events, conferences, and business summits can provide additional learning opportunities, a platform to showcase their business, and a chance to meet potential clients or partners. 
Alumni Perks: Potential exclusives such as priority access to certain events, discounts on services, and speaking opportunities could also be included as part of the fellowship benefits. 
Personal Development: Fellowship programs often emphasize personal growth alongside professional development, helping entrepreneurs become not just better business people but also more effective leaders and thinkers. 
By taking advantage of these benefits, entrepreneurs can significantly enhance their skills, expand their business networks, and increase their chances of long-term success in their ventures.

Course Curriculum


Prof. Yatish Kuril FMERU, FMERC

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0 Students
9 Courses

Executive Summary:

With 30 years of experience in providing coaching, advisory, mentoring, and consulting services to Fortune 50 companies and a diverse range of businesses worldwide, I have established myself as a seasoned Organizational Alignment Specialist, Top Rank CEO Coach, Educationist, Global Board Member, and Advisor to Family Businesses. My multifaceted roles as an Angel Investor, Lead Researcher, Open Networker, Mentor, Author, Influencer, and Philanthropist have contributed to a comprehensive understanding of various industries and global business practices.

I bring to the table a range of expertise, including:

A comprehensive understanding of the dynamic forces shaping the global business climate.
A holistic view of general management, encompassing business operations, organizational structures, and competitive strategies.
Pragmatic knowledge and adept decision-making abilities to address day-to-day business challenges.
A proven track record of fostering creativity, making sound decisions, and devising result-oriented solutions.
A visionary approach to identifying unprecedented business opportunities and steering organizations toward a future of growth and success.
Unparalleled management proficiency in implementing corporate missions, coupled with best practice strategies to ensure global competitiveness and sustainable success.
Our Unique Selling Proposition (USP) revolves around a simple yet powerful philosophy: "No Results, No Money," ensuring a commitment to tangible outcomes and client success.

Additionally, as a distinguished member of the Rotary Club of Thane East (Dist-3142), I am deeply involved in community initiatives and social development projects.

Industry Expertise Encompasses:

Automotive & Engineering
Consumer Package Goods
Electric Power & Natural Gas
Banking & Financial Services
Media & Entertainment
Metals & Mining
Oil & Gas
Higher Education
Private Equity
Public Sector
Pulp & Paper
Science Innovation
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Not For Profit
Government, International Development & Diplomacy
Aerospace & Defense
Homeland Security

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Honorary Fellow of KFBS (FKFBS)


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