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Course Requirements

For the Honorary Fellow program at Kuril Founders B-School for Successful Entrepreneurs, the course requirements are designed to ensure that participants gain a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship, leadership, and business management. 

Course Description

Curriculum for an Honorary Fellow program at Kuril Founders B-School for Successful Entrepreneurs involves outlining key learning objectives, modules, and practical components that align with the school's mission to nurture and support successful entrepreneurs. Here’s a comprehensive curriculum structure:

1. Introduction and Orientation

  • Welcome Session: Introduction to the program, faculty, and fellow participants.
  • Networking Event: Opportunity to connect with peers and industry leaders.
  • Program Overview: Detailed explanation of the curriculum, expectations, and assessment methods.

2. Core Modules

a. Entrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership

  • Course 1: Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mindset
    • Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
    • Developing resilience and adaptability
  • Course 2: Leadership and Team Building
    • Effective leadership styles
    • Building and managing high-performing teams

b. Business Strategy and Innovation

  • Course 3: Strategic Planning for Entrepreneurs
    • Creating a business vision and mission
    • Long-term strategic planning
  • Course 4: Innovation and Product Development
    • Ideation techniques
    • Prototyping and product lifecycle management

c. Financial Acumen

  • Course 5: Financial Management for Startups
    • Understanding financial statements
    • Budgeting and financial planning
  • Course 6: Venture Capital and Fundraising
    • Fundraising strategies
    • Pitching to investors

d. Marketing and Sales

  • Course 7: Digital Marketing Strategies
    • SEO, social media, and content marketing
  • Course 8: Sales Techniques and Customer Relationship Management
    • Effective sales strategies
    • CRM tools and techniques

3. Elective Modules

Participants can choose from a range of electives based on their interests and business needs.

  • Elective 1: E-commerce and Online Business Models
  • Elective 2: Global Business and Export Strategies
  • Elective 3: Technology and Innovation in Business
  • Elective 4: Legal and Ethical Issues in Business

4. Practical Components

a. Workshops and Seminars

  • Startup Bootcamp: Intensive workshops on starting and scaling a business.
  • Industry Seminars: Sessions with industry experts and successful entrepreneurs sharing their experiences.

b. Mentorship Program

  • One-on-One Mentorship: Personalized guidance from experienced mentors.
  • Group Mentoring Sessions: Collaborative learning with peers and mentors.

c. Live Projects

  • Capstone Project: Real-world business challenge to solve.
  • Startup Incubator Participation: Opportunity to work on a startup idea within an incubator setup, gaining hands-on experience.

5. Networking and Collaboration

  • Networking Events: Regular events to connect with investors, industry leaders, and alumni.
  • Collaborative Projects: Team-based projects with fellow participants to foster collaboration and networking.

6. Assessment and Certification

  • Continuous Assessment: Based on participation, assignments, and practical projects.
  • Final Presentation: Presentation of the capstone project to a panel of experts.
  • Certification Ceremony: Awarding of the Honorary Fellow certificate upon successful completion of the program.

7. Post-Program Support

  • Alumni Network: Access to an exclusive network of former participants for ongoing support and opportunities.
  • Lifelong Learning: Access to future workshops, seminars, and resources to keep skills updated.

Additional Resources

  • Library Access: Comprehensive resources, including books, journals, and online databases.
  • Online Learning Platform: Access to recorded sessions, supplementary materials, and discussion forums.

This curriculum aims to equip honorary fellows with the knowledge, skills, and network required to succeed in their entrepreneurial ventures while fostering a community of innovation and support.

Course Outcomes

The Honorary Fellow program at Kuril Founders B-School for Successful Entrepreneurs aims to produce graduates who are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and network necessary to excel in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Here are the expected outcomes for participants upon completion of the program:

1. Entrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership

  • Enhanced Entrepreneurial Mindset: Graduates will demonstrate a deep understanding of the entrepreneurial mindset, characterized by resilience, adaptability, and a proactive approach to challenges.
  • Effective Leadership Skills: Graduates will possess the ability to lead and motivate teams, manage conflicts, and foster a positive and productive work environment.

2. Business Strategy and Innovation

  • Strategic Planning Proficiency: Graduates will be able to develop and implement strategic plans that align with their business vision and objectives, including conducting SWOT analyses and setting long-term goals.
  • Innovation and Product Development: Graduates will be skilled in generating innovative ideas, developing prototypes, and managing the product lifecycle from concept to market introduction.

3. Financial Acumen

  • Financial Management Skills: Graduates will understand how to read and interpret financial statements, create budgets, and develop comprehensive financial plans for their businesses.
  • Fundraising and Investor Relations: Graduates will be adept at creating effective fundraising strategies, pitching to investors, and managing relationships with stakeholders.

4. Marketing and Sales

  • Digital Marketing Expertise: Graduates will be proficient in digital marketing techniques, including SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing, enabling them to effectively promote their businesses online.
  • Sales and CRM Competence: Graduates will possess strong sales skills and be able to develop and implement customer relationship management strategies to enhance customer retention and satisfaction.

5. Specialized Knowledge

  • Customized Elective Knowledge: Depending on their elective choices, graduates will have specialized knowledge in areas such as e-commerce, global business strategies, technology integration, or legal and ethical issues in business.

6. Practical Experience and Application

  • Real-World Application: Through live projects and capstone experiences, graduates will have hands-on experience applying theoretical knowledge to real-world business challenges, preparing them to tackle similar issues in their own ventures.
  • Startup Experience: For those who participated in the startup incubator, graduates will have practical experience in launching and scaling a startup, from initial idea to execution.

7. Networking and Mentorship

  • Robust Professional Network: Graduates will have established a strong network of peers, mentors, industry leaders, and potential investors, providing valuable resources and support for their entrepreneurial journey.
  • Lifelong Mentorship: Graduates will benefit from ongoing mentorship relationships formed during the program, offering continuous guidance and advice as they grow their businesses.

8. Continuous Learning and Development

  • Commitment to Lifelong Learning: Graduates will be committed to continuous learning and professional development, staying current with industry trends and advancements through ongoing participation in workshops, seminars, and the alumni network.

9. Recognition and Credibility

  • Honorary Fellow Certification: Graduates will receive an Honorary Fellow certificate from Kuril Founders B-School for Successful Entrepreneurs, recognizing their achievement and enhancing their credibility in the entrepreneurial community.

10. Personal Growth and Confidence

  • Increased Confidence: Graduates will exhibit increased confidence in their ability to start, manage, and grow a successful business.
  • Personal Development: Graduates will show personal growth in areas such as decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking, essential for navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship.

By achieving these outcomes, participants of the Honorary Fellow program will be well-prepared to make significant contributions to the entrepreneurial landscape, driving innovation, creating jobs, and fostering economic growth.

Course Curriculum


Prof. Yatish Kuril FMERU, FMERC

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9 Courses

Executive Summary:

With 30 years of experience in providing coaching, advisory, mentoring, and consulting services to Fortune 50 companies and a diverse range of businesses worldwide, I have established myself as a seasoned Organizational Alignment Specialist, Top Rank CEO Coach, Educationist, Global Board Member, and Advisor to Family Businesses. My multifaceted roles as an Angel Investor, Lead Researcher, Open Networker, Mentor, Author, Influencer, and Philanthropist have contributed to a comprehensive understanding of various industries and global business practices.

I bring to the table a range of expertise, including:

A comprehensive understanding of the dynamic forces shaping the global business climate.
A holistic view of general management, encompassing business operations, organizational structures, and competitive strategies.
Pragmatic knowledge and adept decision-making abilities to address day-to-day business challenges.
A proven track record of fostering creativity, making sound decisions, and devising result-oriented solutions.
A visionary approach to identifying unprecedented business opportunities and steering organizations toward a future of growth and success.
Unparalleled management proficiency in implementing corporate missions, coupled with best practice strategies to ensure global competitiveness and sustainable success.
Our Unique Selling Proposition (USP) revolves around a simple yet powerful philosophy: "No Results, No Money," ensuring a commitment to tangible outcomes and client success.

Additionally, as a distinguished member of the Rotary Club of Thane East (Dist-3142), I am deeply involved in community initiatives and social development projects.

Industry Expertise Encompasses:

Automotive & Engineering
Consumer Package Goods
Electric Power & Natural Gas
Banking & Financial Services
Media & Entertainment
Metals & Mining
Oil & Gas
Higher Education
Private Equity
Public Sector
Pulp & Paper
Science Innovation
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Not For Profit
Government, International Development & Diplomacy
Aerospace & Defense
Homeland Security

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